Why Revive a Cold Murder Case from 1985?

— Mel Rockefeller with Jeff Gates

In October 1985, a pipe bomb killed Alex Odeh in the Santa Ana, California offices of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Three suspects were linked to the extremist Jewish Defense League. Protected by the U.S.-Israel “special relationship”, they fled to Israel. In December 2021, Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called for an FBI update on this “heinous case of domestic terrorism”.[1] Why now? Why Dick Durbin?

Describing it as “one of the most peculiar cold cases in US history,” Gabriel San Román of the Times OC (Orange County) quoted Durbin’s letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray insisting on an update to “preserve the rule of law and deter future would-be attackers”. My life experience suggests other motives prompted Durbin’s revival of this domestic terrorism case at this time. Orange County is a key node in the transnational criminal network that stalked me with legal impunity both in the U.S. and abroad.

In 1958, Dr. Stan Condon (my uncle by marriage), died of a purported cerebral hemorrhage at age 42. I was six years old and lived in Michigan. In 1982, while living in Orange County, I was the target of a bank fraud. The perpetrator, Dr. Robert Birndorf, gloated as he informed me: (a) he had emptied my bank account, placing my young family in extreme jeopardy (I had a wife I loved and three small children), and (b) his best friend became my childhood doctor—i.e., following the sudden death of my Uncle Stan.

As a senior officer in my bank explained, Birndorf’s flagrant fraud was a clear violation of state and federal law with severe penalties for anyone complicit. Yet no one with lawful authority would engage. When he grasped the brazenness of the crime, he asked, “Who are you?” Had I not known that I’m the son of Nelson Rockefeller, I may well have taken my own life unable to resolve the enigma of “Why me?”

Had I divulged my true identity, I could have collected a huge settlement. However, had I revealed my Rockefeller identity at that time, I would not have been able to amass the proof I now have confirming the common source of an ongoing duplicity that has long imposed a massive hidden tax on humanity. Though I was born a Rockefeller heir, I also knew this is not a problem that can be solved with money.

Jewish extremists murdered Alex Odeh quite near the Orange County law firm I retained after I was subjected to another fraud by the same criminal syndicate. When I relocated my family from Tucson, Arizona to Irvine, California, I was befriended by Doug Skeen who was complicit in staging a series of frauds that cost me both my home and my family. Skeen is active in the Mormon cult—also known as “the Lost Tribe of Israel”. Mormons played a recurring role in numerous frauds that targeted me and those who assisted me. Irvine is home to a major Mormon temple serving Orange County.[2]

By studying those stalking me, I was able to identify how those complicit imbed their operations inside government at the local, state and federal level. A key clue emerged in discussions with former Republican Congressman Paul Findley of Illinois (1961-1983). During his 11th term, Findley suggested that, to advance peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Tel Aviv should talk to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Incensed by Findley’s proposal, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) targeted him for defeat in 1982. Dick Durbin, his AIPAC-recruited successor, was then elected to the Senate in 1996 where he’s now second in seniority to New York Senator Chuck Schumer, another political product of the expansive Israel lobby with its 600-plus affiliates. [See Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America (2016).]

The Israeli Murder of Americans is OK

Jewish extremists had good reason to believe they could escape accountability for the 1985 murder of an American on U.S. soil. During their 1967 War, a land grab planned since no later than 1951, the Israeli military identified a U.S. Navy vessel sailing in international waters and then attacked it, killing 35 Americans and wounding 173 aboard the USS Liberty, then the Navy’s state-of-the-art intelligence ship.

President Lyndon Johnson ordered a cover-up and threatened survivors with court martial if they spoke out. As pre-staging for that long-planned Israeli aggression (falsely portrayed as defensive), LBJ was drawn into an affair with Mathilde Krim, a former extremist Irgun operative. The night the war broke out, Mrs. Krim was ‘servicing’ our commander-in-chief in the White House. Her husband, Arthur Krim, was then president of United Artists and chair of the finance committee for the Democratic Party led by Johnson.

The night before Tel Aviv launched its attack, Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara attended a dinner at the McLean, Virginia home of attorney Abe Fortas with New York investment banker John Loeb. Fortas and Loeb sought to confirm that neither Johnson nor McNamara knew that Israel would launch its land grab within hours. Shortly after 10 pm, LBJ returned to the White House—and Mathilde.

Fortas secured his role as a Johnson confidant in 1948 when, soon after Zionist Christian President Harry Truman recognized the Zionist enclave as a legitimate state,[3] he helped the politically ambitious Texan prevail in a fraudulent election. Known by his Senate colleagues as Landslide Lyndon, he “won” the Democratic primary by 87 votes with 200 of those votes tallied in alphabetical order. Texas was then solidly Democratic. A win in the primary ensured his victory in the general election and a seat in the Senate.

With the November 1963 murder of John F. Kennedy, Johnson assumed the presidency and appointed the arch-Zionist Fortas to the Supreme Court. He later failed in an attempt to appoint him Chief Justice. The use of voter fraud to put Johnson in office in 1948 was key to the success of Jewish extremists in the 1967 War when, with Johnson’s help as president, they were portrayed as victims rather than what the facts confirm—they were and remain perpetrators and predators.

The use of fraudulent elections to wield political power through profiled and handpicked assets like LBJ set a precedent for the voter fraud campaign meant to keep asset Donald Trump in office and shape future elections key to Israel maintaining the influence that their extremists enjoyed under Trump.[4]

Accidental Insights into Systemic Criminality

In 1964, at age 12 I walked in on a heated family argument that connected my step-uncle Robert King Cunningham to those who orchestrated the Kennedy assassination. In 1956, at age four, this transgenerational syndicate arranged the marriage of my mother to the brother of my “Uncle Bobby” and thereby provided him unlimited access to monitor me under the guise of a family relationship.

I last saw my Uncle Bobby in 1982 when, at his request, I drove him to Malibu from the Donald Stralem estate in Palm Springs. That’s also where I met Robert Mondavi who confirmed that his Opus One premium brand wines were financed with Stralem’s help due to his relationship with the Rothschilds. For more than a half-century, my Uncle Bobby worked as an operative for Stralem.

Stralem’s father cofounded Hallgarten and Company investment bankers in 1850. Affiliated with the Frankfurt branch of the Rothschild’s operations, the firm financed both sides in our nation-fracturing Civil War. In the 1950s, my Uncle David Rockefeller allied with this global network. At his direction, One Chase Manhattan Plaza was built on the midtown Manhattan site of the original Hallgarten headquarters.

Uncle Bobby asked that I drive from my home in Irvine to Palm Springs and then deliver him to the Malibu Beach home of actor Robert Webber. Never before had he asked for a ride anywhere. I quickly realized that he wanted time alone with me to determine if I had any idea that my father was Nelson Rockefeller. In truth, I had confirmed my true parentage in 1973 while in Japan on a trip sponsored by those I studied while being stalked. [See Gaslighting America on www.hiddentaxonhumanity.com.]

He even insisted that we stop the car so he could look me in the eye while questioning me. That’s when I realized the depth of concern shared by those stalking me who fear what I may know, including their ongoing role in producing, compromising and terminating U.S. presidencies—the ultimate domestic terrorism. Two weeks later, I was subjected to the bank fraud overseen by Dr. Robert Birndorf whose best friend became my physician in 1958 when I was in first grade, replacing my deceased Uncle Stan.

The most powerful weapon in combating this ‘enemy within’ is the fact that those complicit know what they’ve done to me while never having cause to come after me—beginning no later than age four. I’m confident they fear my accidental insight into their role in the 1963 murder of a popular U.S. president.


As proven by facts and analyses pivoting off my life experience, the same methods deployed to stalk me personally have been weaponized geopolitically against this nation and other nations. In a 1964 speech at Harvard during his second of four terms as Governor of New York, my father, one of David Rockefeller’s four older brothers, described the greatest threat to freedom as those who share a “tireless genius for crisis”. He wanted to expose this treachery then but lacked the proof we now have to distinguish these extremists from those members of faith communities who’ve been as duped as the rest of humanity.

My experience profiling those stalking me my entire life (I am 70) confirms how a foreign government (Israel) imbedded its extremists inside our government. The timing of Durbin’s FBI letter suggests a desperate attempt to create a cover story. As a political product of the Israel lobby, his producers may realize their exposure is now only a matter of time—with accountability at law to follow, including for treason, murder and ongoing crimes against humanity—and no protection by the statute of limitations.

The nonstop violence visited on Palestinians for more than seven decades (Alex Odeh was born in the West Bank) is enabled by our “special relationship”. This entangled alliance was destined to provoke a reaction. Had I been engaged in good faith on my return from Baghdad in February 1997 with evidence casting doubt on the Iraqi WMD intelligence, that unwinnable yet profitable war could have been prevented. At the time, federal law forbade my travel there yet no one from the FBI interviewed me. Why?

A timely in-depth FBI investigation may well have uncovered the lengthy pre-staging of 9/11 by the same parties. Instead, my Iraqi-American colleague and I were stalked by FBI agents who sought to discredit me. They also disregarded numerous domestic terrorist incidents meant to intimidate and silence him, including the murder of a family member in San Diego and the terrorizing of his pregnant daughter.

The 9/11 Commission interviewed more than 1,200 people but never spoke to me. Why? Jeff hand-delivered a lengthy research memo on April 12, 2004 to the Commission, the FBI Director, the Attorney General, the National Security Adviser, the Secretary of State and 18 other appointed and elected federal officials with line responsibility for law enforcement and national security.

Even now, almost six decades after the Kennedy assassination, President Joe Biden is considering whether to declassify facts that could shed light on who engineered that era-defining murder. Media reports suggest that evidence will be withheld from the public until everyone dies who was alive on that date. Why? The failure to interview me in February 1997 on my return from Iraq and the ongoing obstruction of anyone with legal authority speaking with me denies every American protection of the fact-based rule of law.

Why is it so threatening to follow the facts of my life experience—wherever those facts may lead? My firsthand experience proves that well-timed crises are routinely deployed to marginalize critical thinking and displace facts with manipulated beliefs—such as an induced ‘consensus’ belief in Iraqi WMD. Fraud, deceit and murder are standard operating procedures for those I’ve been forced to cope with my entire life while being denied access to equal protection under the law. How is that possible in a nation founded on the rule of law? Who benefits when these facts are not followed to their fullest conclusion?

Senator Durbin calls for a “zealous” investigation to preserve the fact-based rule of law. If he and Director Wray are sincere, they will zealously investigate my life experience as proof we must restore the rule of law. Those I profiled see themselves as entitled to operate above the law. To date, that privileged status has been obscured and protected by the Israel lobby, Congress, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and our 18 intelligence agencies despite an $85 billion annual budget meant to secure us from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. My ­experience proves how this corruption became systemic.

Did the ability of Jewish extremists to murder an American in America without consequence in 1985 embolden them to stage the circumstances and provocations that led to the murder of 2,977 on 9/11? Is that why a high-profile pipe bomb was used to murder Alex Odeh—to tout their invincibility? Their lengthy abuse of Palestinians mirrors what’s been done to U.S. citizens (I am a prime example). One in three Americans share the view that violence against our government is justified. This rot is now systemic.

Despite what was done to me over decades with legal impunity, violence against those responsible will not restore the rule of law. Accountability can. Similarly, the use of military force in place of diplomacy will never achieve a real and lasting peace. With multiple crises fast emerging on the horizon, it’s essential that we embrace disciplined, fact-based analysis if we hope to recover a functioning democracy.

President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland are fully informed on these matters. The course they choose may determine whether we have a democracy worth saving. As we teeter on the brink between autocracy and democracy and between fascism and freedom, those profiled continue to fracture this nation by catalyzing hatred, fear, insecurity and racism. This problem can be solved; its resolution must begin by acknowledging its common source—as my life experience is uniquely able to prove.

  1. “Is U.S.-Israel alliance blocking justice in murder case of Palestinian-American activist?” Haaretz, January 4, 2022.
  2. Skeen’s payoff for his role in stalking me, 1980-1993, was his stake in Valutech, Inc., then ClearCycle Corporation and Leeyo Software. He now lives in Reno, Nevada. During the early 1980s, I helped him draft the business plan when Dave Robinson, who wrote the software for the Federal Reserve lock box system, became a Valutech principal.
  3. As counsel to the Senate Finance Committee for seven years, Jeff advised Louisiana Senator Russell Long, son of populist Governor and Senator Huey Long who, with his popular “Share Our Wealth” program, emerged during the Great Depression as the nemesis of my great-grandfather, John D. Rockefeller. The nation’s first-ever scientific political poll found in April 1935 that a Long presidential bid in 1936 would block the reelection of President Franklin Roosevelt. Had Long not been assassinated in September 1935, Harry Truman could not have become FDR’s Vice President in November 1944 and would not have become president on FDR’s death in April 1945 to recognize the Zionist experiment as a legitimate state in May 1948. A political product of the Pendergast component of the National Crime Syndicate in Kansas City, Truman and Roosevelt reportedly spoke only twice. Well prior to 1948, Zionists planned to take land acquired by force in 1967. Truman granted them the initial foothold required to do so.
  4. In February 2017, we published an account of the Facebook-enabled, Cambridge Analytica-orchestrated, Jared Kushner-managed psy-op known as the 2016 presidential “election”. That social media-facilitated fraud was not mentioned in U.S. media until March 2018. We saw it as a compliment when our online analysis quickly disappeared. See “Protecting the U.S. from the True Extremists”. For a nation reliant on the fact-based rule of law to protect our freedom, there can be no greater threat to self-governance than psy-ops that manipulate the election process. This four-page document could easily be expanded to a 500-page book chronicling the corrupt and criminal networks into which I allowed myself to be drawn as I profiled those described in this brief account.